Referrals and Admissions
Referral Process
Day Rate
As of 1st April, 2025, the day rate is as follows;
£85 a day for an agreed AIP citywide, east or south place. The school must be within the Leeds authority.
£100 a day for a private place
If a pupil requires one to one support, it is the responsibility of the commissioner to provide this.
This fee is from start to end of placement whilst dual registered, including Fridays. It is inclusive of training days, pupil absence for any reason, Reach having to close in the event of any unforeseen circumstances or emergencies
The referral process is as follows:
Referring school may speak to their Educational Psychologist and also Karen Sherwin from the AIP prior to making referral.
If the referring school fully supports the referral, they complete the referral form. This can be found on our website.
The referral is then discussed at the next Panel meeting. The Panel is made up of a group of headteachers from the south AIP and a representative from the AIP. If the pupil gets a place at Reach, a service level agreement meeting is arranged with the headteacher from the referring school, pupil and their parents/carers. The pupil is then given a start date, the referring school and parents are given a timetable with progress, exit meeting and integration dates. The pupil will attend Reach Monday-Thursday and their mainstream school on a Friday, with support from Reach staff. If a child receives an EHCP whilst at Reach, integration back to mainstream will still be tried.
If the pupil doesn’t get a place, recommendations are put in place as to what the school needs to do next.
Placement extensions
Referring schools can request to extend the pupils placement, by completing the form below and returning it to or directly to Mrs Quinn.