
Referral Process

The referral process is as follows:



The referral is then discussed at the next Panel meeting. The Panel is made up of a group of headteachers from the south AIP and a representative from the AIP. If the pupil gets a place at Reach, a service level agreement meeting is arranged with the headteacher from the referring school, pupil and their parents/carers. The pupil is then given a start date, the referring school and parents are given a timetable with progress, exit meeting and integration dates. The pupil will attend Reach Monday-Thursday and their mainstream school on a Friday, with support from Reach staff. If a child receives an EHCP whilst at Reach, integration back to mainstream will still be tried. 

If the pupil doesn’t get a place, recommendations are put in place as to what the school needs to do next.

Blank individual and quadrilation report
Referring Schools Information