Parent Information
Facilities and Accommodation
Reach Primary Learning Centre is based in Beeston. Reach Primary Learning Centre has :
Four classrooms
Two playgrounds
A library
A Food Technology room
An animal care room
A meeting and medical room
A sensory room
A greenhouse and allotment
A Woodland Area
Two staff offices
A staff area
School Day
Arrival Time
All children arrive at Reach at 8:35 a.m ready for the first lesson and for breakfast.
Friendship Time
10:00 a.m – 10:15 a.m , 10:15 a.m – 10:30 a.m or 10:30 - 10:45 a.m (dependent on class) Lunch Time – 12:00 to 12:45 p.m
Home Time
Starfish and Coral Reef - 2:20 p.m
Jellyfish and Seahorses - 2:30 p.m
Please telephone the referring school and inform them if your child is going to be absent from Reach. Unacceptable reasons for absence are holidays, going to the hairdressers, shopping trips etc. Wherever possible please book appointments outside of the school day.
Celebrations or Complaints
If you have any celebratory feedback, concerns or complaints please speak to Miss Elvidge or Mrs D'Avoine. In the event of their absence, Miss Williams.
If a child damages anything, they will be asked to pay a contribution towards replacing the item.
Please ensure you update your telephone number with us regularly. In the event of an emergency we will call you. If your child requires emergency treatment we will call an ambulance and notify you immediately.
Fire Precautions and other Emergency Procedures
Staff and pupils are made fully aware of the fire and evacuation procedures as part of their induction programme. If the buildings fire alarm is activated all staff and pupils evacuate to the grass carpark. All Designated staff will ensure that they collect the register for pupils, staff sign in /out sheet and visitors log on exiting the building. Staff are required to attend fire awareness training as and when required.
First Aiders
The First Aiders at Reach are Mrs Croft, Mrs Mabbott, Miss Maskill, Miss Melia, Miss Myers and Mrs Tipler.
Is given out every week. When you bring it back you get 5 stars!
Please see the school calendar for a list of school holidays and staff training days.
If your child has a school lunch, please notify the office. Payment is electronic and it is £11.75 a week.
P.E Kit
T-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Please ensure this is in school every day of the week.
Pupil and Parent Newsletter
Religious Observance
There are a range of young people from a wide range of racial, cultural and religious backgrounds. We invite comment from representatives of ethnic minorities about the effectiveness of our anti-discriminatory practice, including the opportunity for religious observance. A varied selection of religious resources covering; Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. The Head of Centre will seek to accommodate requests from all staff to allow them to observe religious practices, if this is not detrimental to the safe running of the service.
Plain white collared t-shirt, jumper/cardigan, school trousers, school shorts or skirt and black indoor pumps. Every child removes their shoes/trainers/hoodies and coat when entering the building. They then put their indoor pumps on. Jewellery is not permitted.
DFE links
The website link below supports parents/carers to learn about how to keep your child safe online and support their future ( Parentzone).