Schemes of Learning
We use the scheme, Happy Handwriting to support with letter formation.
We use the DFE approved scheme Little Wandle. We also teach handwriting through the scheme 'Happy Handwriting'.
The main scheme we use for PSHE is You, Me PSHE. We take some objectives and lesson content from there. This scheme is enhanced by a variety of other schemes such as SEAL, Mindmate champions, CEOP and common sense education. This is to ensure great coverage across all areas.
To ensure we have full coverage of the different strands of computing we have adapted the Purple Mash scheme of learning. This has been developed alongside the national curriculum standards with careful consideration planned for each year group to show progression of skills.
Maths is planned from the National Curriculum for each year group which links directly to the assessment tool used in school, target tracker. The objectives are taken from the National Curriculum and supplemented by the Whiterose Scheme of Learning to ensure full coverage of all areas. The calculation progression policy is also used to ensure that progression is clear for all ages and abilities across the four operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.