Carnegie Mental Health award - Silver status
Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools, awarded Reach Silver status for the work we do in supporting our pupils and staff with their mental health. We believe that teaching and learning about mental health is paramount to being able to feel included, engaged so that we can enjoy and celebrate what we do in life.
Investors in Pupils Award
Reach Primary Learning Centre has achieved the Investors in Pupils Award. The Investors in Pupils programme gives pupils the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of how our school works, the roles and responsibilities of our Steering Group, who act similarly to school governors and an age appropriate understanding of how we spend our school budget. This is achieved through empowering all pupils, increasing motivation and contributing to raising achievement across the key stages.
Investors in Pupils offers a framework for involving pupils in decision making, developing responsibility and leadership in relation to their learning, behaviour, attendance and classroom management. It also encourages pupils to think about how they themselves can contribute to the running of the school.
Mindmate Champions
We are a mindmate friendly school. We have a broad and effective curriculum that supports our SEMH needs.
Healthy Schools
We aim to ensure that all of our pupils grow healthily, safely and responsibly. We do this through our delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum.