Cockburn Multi-Academy Trust

Cockburn Multi-Academy Trust

Cockburn Reach Academy is a proud member of the Cockburn Multi-academy Trust.

Address Cockburn School, Gipsy Lane, Leeds, LS11 5TT

Telephone number:  0113 271 9962

Company number
(also known as Companies House (CH) number) 09946495  

For more information about the Cockburn Multi-academy Trust such as the details of our Trustees, please visit the website:

For statutory Cockburn Multi-academy Trust Policies, including Articles of Association, Memorandum of Association, please visit the website:

For statutory Cockburn Multi-academy Trust Annual Reports and Financial Information including the audited annual report and accounts, funding agreement, executive pay visit the link below:

For statutory Cockburn Multi-academy Trust Policies, including Articles of Association, Memorandum of Association, please visit the website:

For statutory Cockburn Multi-academy Trust Annual Reports and Financial Information including the audited annual report and accounts, funding agreement, executive pay visit the link below: