Jellyfish are taught by Miss Hartley and the team! It is a KS2 class.
Autumn - 2-1 -Jellyfish
History - Ancient Greece
We will begin our PSHE lessons by exploring the topic of bullying. We will focus on understanding the difference between being rude, conflicts and bullying. We will then move on to Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) where we will begin by looking at the changes that occur during puberty and focus on the different attitudes towards gender stereotyping. We will also explore relationships and what makes a healthy relationship. Finally, we will move onto online safety and focus on privacy, plagiarism and copyright. Alongside this, we will continue to take part in Theratime sessions weekly.
To start with, we will focus on SPAG. We will look at the different sentence types and the punctuation and grammar involved and then apply this to our writing throughout the half term. We will then move onto myths and legends and write a character description based on our nonfiction text Mythologica. After this, we will create a newspaper report based on our shared text, Who Let The Gods Out? Next, we will write our own five part story taking inspiration from our shared text. Finally, we will concentrate on poetry focussing on list poems which will link to Valentines Day.
At the beginning of the half term, we will focus on multiplication using a formal written method. After this, we will explore fractions including decimals. We will then solve problems including the above.
In Science this half term we will be learning about electricity. We will begin by investigating circuits and how they work. After this, we will carry out some investigations around brightness. Finally, we will design and make our own traffic lights based on what we have learnt about electricity.
During History this half term, we will be focusing on Ancient Greece. We will begin by exploring who the Ancient Greeks were by looking at their daily lives such as food, housing jobs etc. After this, we will concentrate on Alexander the Great and look at Greek Gods and Goddesses. Next, we will learn about how the Ancient Greeks have influenced life today such as the Olympic games.
This half term we will be focusing on Hinduism. We will be answering the key question; what do different Hindu people believe about God? We will begin by exploring what different aspects of our lives we show others. We will then explore different Hindu terms such as Trimurti, Vishnu and Shiva. After this, we will look at the similarities and differences between Hinduism and other religions.
Alongside all of this brilliant learning we will also be developing our skills through art, DT, PE, food technology, music and computing. For more information please see the long-term plan (LTP) and twitter for daily updates.