Message from the Executive Headteacher

Message from the Executive Headteacher

Message from the Executive Headteacher

It gives me great pleasure and a sense of pride to welcome visitors to the website for Cockburn Reach Academy which has been a member of the Cockburn Multi-academy Trust since 2024.

Nelson Mandela said that:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

I am confident that our ‘Learning for Life’ motto fits well with this and I believe that every Cockburn MAT pupil has the potential to do just that.

Cockburn Reach Academy provides an excellent environment for children to develop as learners and to grow as individuals. In a world which places ever greater demands on young people, it is vitally important that the schools of the 21st Century provide a broad and rich education to prepare pupils for the challenges they will face in their lives. We are dedicated to blending academic excellence with a richness of opportunity beyond the classroom. High standards of teaching combine with opportunities for independent study to create an intellectual curiosity in our pupils that stays with them for life. A diverse and rigorous curriculum means we are constantly able to drive pupils to fulfil, or exceed, their academic and intellectual potential.

Across all of the schools within our MAT we emphasise the importance of promoting, celebrating, and recognising achievement in all its many forms. We believe in the concept of partnership, working together with parents/carers, governors, and the community to ensure that every student fully participates in school life – supporting the school in its vision of offering the very best in educational opportunities.

The enormous range of extra-curricular activities ensures that each student can grow and develop wherever their interests and talents may lie. The educational trips, visits and work in the community give further evidence of the breadth of our curriculum.

We have a committed team of teachers and support staff who go the extra mile for pupils and work with them to demonstrate the vision of the school.

Mr D Gurney
Executive Headteacher