Seahorses are a year 4, 5and 6 class taught by Mrs Haywood and the team.
Spring 1 - Seahorses
History - Riotous Royalty
We will begin our PSHE lessons by saying no to bullying. We will learn what bullying is and what we should do if we see it happening or if it happens to us. We will then move onto our physical health and wellbeing topic. We will learn what is important about us as individuals and practice techniques which look after our health and wellbeing. After that, we will discuss one of the protected characteristics - race. We will think about why it is a protected characteristic and how we can help to stamp out racism. Finally, we will continue to learn about online safety. This will help us to stay safe online.
Everyday, we will take part in Theratime sessions to build relationships and we will learn about the fundamental British values and all of the protected characteristics. We will also take part in Theratime and Circle Time sessions, these will support our motivation, empathy, self awareness, self regulation and social skills.
During our English lessons we will begin by reading our shared text, The Beast of Buckingham Palace by David Walliams. This will give us inspiration and ideas to support our own writing of a setting description. We will then look at non-fictions texts about English royalty and write a recount. Finally, we will create our own poems and learn them off by heart to recite. Everyday, Seahorses practice their reading fluency and comprehension or phonics.
At the beginning of the half term, we will continue our learning about the formal methods of multiplication and division. We will tackle reasoning and problem solving questions which will deepen our thinking. After this, we will learn about fractions and parts of a whole. We will use bar models to visualize fractions and these will help us to answer tricky questions. We will continue to practice our timetables everyday and drip feed topics such as telling the time and measuring.
In Science this half term, we will be learning about electricity. We will create simple circuits. We will be able to explain the components of a circuit and solve simple problems in broken circuits. We will also explore the use of conductors and insulators and find real life examples. We will embed this learning by carrying out an investigation and recording the results.
Our History topic this half term is Riotous Royalty. We will discover who the British Monarchs were and research those that were most significant such as Henry the Eighth and Queen Victoria. We will think about their impact on the country that we live in and their part to play in our history.
This half term in RE, we will be discussing the question, ‘How do the five pillars help Muslims to live a good life?’ We will learn about Islamic faith and the rules that they follow. We will also think about how this compares to other religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hindu Dharma, Sikh and non-religious approaches.
Additional Learning
Alongside all of this brilliant learning, we will also be developing our skills within the Art, DT, PE, Food Technology, Music and Computing curriculum. We will visit Leeds Art Gallery to engage children and inspire future artists. For more information please see the long-term plan (LTP) and Class Dojo for daily updates.