
Starfish Class

Starfish class is led by Mrs Patel and the team. It is a KS1/ lower KS2 class.

Spring 1

Memorable Events


We will start the half term by learning about drug, alcohol and tobacco education. In this topic we will also learn about medicines that we can put into and onto our bodies to help us and how to use these safely. We also continue to learn about online safety and will cover the topic ‘Screen out the Mean’, where pupils learn how to keep themselves and others safe online. 


In English we will be looking at setting descriptions which will help to develop our creative thinking and vocabulary for exciting writing. We will also read some poems this half term and have a go at publishing our own riddles. In our non-fiction units we will look at instructions and recounts. Our focus book is the  ‘The Queens hat’.


In Maths this half term we will be continuing to learn about numbers and their value moving on to numbers to 50 and beyond. We will also learn about fractions, weight and volume and multiplication and division. We will be taking part in a range of practical learning activities to help us to practice these important skills. 


In science this half term we will be learning about animals including humans. We will learn about the different groups and how to identify and categorise animals into these groups. In this topic we will find out about how different species have adapted to suit their needs and environment. 


During History this half term, we will be learning all about historical, memorable events. We will learn about the great fire of London.


This half term in RE we will be learning about how different religions How and why do some people pray? We will learn about how they are similar as well as how they differ and what this means to different people. 

Alongside all of this brilliant learning we will also be developing our skills through art, DT, PE, food technology and computing. For more information please see the long term plan (LTP) and class dojo for daily updates.