Curriculum Intent
At Reach children learn to;
Everybody is valued and respected at Reach. We work together to create a positive and purposeful calm learning culture that is aspirational for all pupils, from all backgrounds. We teach children how to be independent but also how friendships and teamwork are important to develop and strengthen growth and resilience. The children and staff work hard to build relationships with each other. This can be especially hard as pupils leave and new pupils start at Reach on a weekly basis. At Reach we work alongside parents and carers to engage children with their learning and support them throughout this process. We ensure pupils develop a respect for others and learn about individual differences. All pupils are taught the importance of equality and diversity so supporting them to become well rounded citizens.
We have two drivers throughout our curriculum. The first is Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) to support the Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs of the pupils that attend Reach. All pupils are taught the importance of understanding and managing their health and wellbeing, both mentally and physically. At Reach we have a clear understanding of the challenges the pupils have previously faced within a mainstream environment. Pupils enter Reach with challenging behaviour and poor attitudes to learning. We recognise that they are unable to access and engage with learning until we have supported them to make progress towards positively changing their behaviour. At the point of referral pupils are frequently being excluded from school for refusing to follow instructions, engage with learning, physically assaulting, verbally abusing and absconding from school.
The second driver is reading. This is a basic skill that enables you to access all aspects of life. Teachers are skilled in facilitating the needs of complex learners to ensure all of our children are engaged with a well taught, sequenced and knowledge rich curriculum ensuring equality for all. This delivery enables all children to enjoy learning and learn to accept praise and celebration. Whilst at Reach children will grow their vocabulary and develop their knowledge about the topics they study. We aim to identify and reduce gaps in reading, writing and number. We understand that behaviour can be a barrier to learning so are firm believers that if the curriculum is engaging, stimulating and exciting, our learners will want to be participating. We recognise that progress may be in smaller steps for some pupils. However for some this is outstanding as they weren’t making any progress in their referring school. Our aim is to ensure pupils have developed key knowledge and skills of core subjects through our breadth of the curriculum.
We encourage all of our children to improve their mindset and enable themselves to build on their self esteem and therefore develop their own confidence and independence. We deliver our curriculum so that pupils leave Reach equipped aspirationally to make positive contributions to themselves, their families, communities and so that they have the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Whilst at Reach pupils access a range of skills - For example; cooking, swimming, sending an email, using money, planning for running a home and enterprise, all enabling them to become more rounded citizens. The driver of PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) throughout the curriculum is celebrated as children become proud of their achievements and show aspirations of furthering themselves within a wider world.
If you would like any more information about our curriculum at Reach please email office@reachprimary.co.uk