Performance Data

The Department for Education requires all children at various times of their primary education to do some tests! This is to support teachers in working out what their pupils are currently able to do and what they need to do next to progress.

Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics Screening Check                                    

This test tells everybody which phonics sounds you already know and which you need to learn next.  You do this test between 9th and 13th June when you are in Year One or in Year Two. A member of staff you know from school sits with you whilst you are doing the test! 

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

These are completed between 2nd and 13th June when you are in Year 4. There are 25 questions and you get to do the test online.  Your teacher will set the test up for you on an ipad.

Year 6 SATs

You do these in May when you are in Year 6.

Monday 12th May

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Paper 1 - questions - 45 minutes 

Paper 2 - spelling - about 20 minutes

(use a blue/black pen or pencil)

Tuesday 13th May

Reading Paper - 60 minutes

(use a blue/black pen or pencil, a highlighter for highlighting)

Wednesday 14th May

Maths Paper 1 - arithmetic - 30 minutes

(use a blue/black pen or pencil, a ruler)

Maths Paper 2 - reasoning - 40 minutes

(use a blue/black pen or pencil, a pencil for mathematical drawing, a ruler, a protractor, a mirror)

Thursday 15th May

Maths Paper 3 - reasoning - 40 minutes

(use a blue/black pen or pencil, a pencil for mathematical drawing, a ruler, a protractor, a mirror)

We start the papers after breakfast so we get them over and done with!  Your teacher will give you all the equipment.

Helpful Hints!

There is no need to worry about any tests.

Do get an early night as sleep helps you to think.

Eat breakfast either at home or when you get to school, or both!  Food feeds your brain!

Drink lots of water as it keeps you fresh.

Think of some extra amazing rewards you think your class should do!

KS1 Phonics Screening - 0 pupils took this test at Reach in 2023 - 2024

Year 4 Multiplication Test - 0 pupils took this test at Reach in 2023 - 2024

KS2 SATs, 2023 - 2024 - 2 pupils took this test at Reach in 2023 - 2024

SATs data and national test results are not on our website.  As we are a small  school it would be possible to clearly identify individual pupil's results. For national test results please contact the office or headteacher.