Parent Links

Active Leeds activities 

Healthier Together

Please find attached information regarding the ‘Healthier Together’ website that aims to help families become familiar with the different illnesses and how to manage them ahead of the new academic year.

WY Healthier Together Letter to schools_July 2024

Healthy eating

The Eatwell Plate - Presentation.pptx
five-ways-to-wellbeing-toolkit (1).pdf

Leeds SEND Local Offer Update

Leeds SEND and AP Partnership Board

As a board we meet quarterly, at the last meeting: 

The Leeds Parent Carer Forum shared two families experiences of the SEND system. The board identified as a partnership we need to have hope and a clear partnership approach at all times. Multi agency family help needs to be a priority. Parents need to be partners.


Within the voice and influence update we heard about the raising awareness of disabilities campaign, a project by young people.

As part of a project to raise awareness of hidden disabilities in Leeds, the words and drawings of young people have been captured in a series of eye-catching, informative, and refreshingly honest posters. Young people with hidden disabilities have bravely shared their challenges, giving an insight into what may be going on ‘beneath the surface’, as well as celebrating their unique and amazing qualities. Alongside the posters, an awareness session has been created – a friendly challenge to our potential unconscious biases and a reminder for us to treat others with empathy.

For the young people in this project, public awareness and a deeper understanding what may be going on beneath the surface for those with hidden disabilities is key to tackling the stigma. How do we raise awareness? By sharing their voices far and wide, displaying the posters wherever we can, and using the awareness session to hold ourselves accountable. 

More information about the project can be found here.

Working groups

The five working groups are now established and have developed action plans. The working groups will be feeding back to the board in December with an update on progress.

The working groups are:

Neurodiversity and Mental Health

Practice, Workforce and Training workstream

Data, Intelligence and Quality assurance

Voice, Influence and Transparency Working Group

Joint Commissioning

We will give further updates about the working groups in a future edition.

SEND and inclusion funding process

Please note that significant changes are currently taking place across Leeds SEND and inclusion funding processes.

You can read more about these changes on the SEND and Inclusion Transformation page.