

We provide all our pupils with a healthy breakfast to start the day!  There is no cost for this.  Everyday there is cereal, toast, beans, spaghetti, water, orange or apple juice available.  We also have pancakes, waffles, crumpets and bagels available on rotation throughout the week.

For more information please speak to a member of staff in your child's class team.


We like to refuel throughout the day as we know it helps us to concentrate.  After friendship time, we provide a selection of different fruits.  Please let your class staff team know what your favourite fruits are so we can order them in advance!


It is important to keep hydrated as it makes our brains work and that helps us to learn and remember new information. Jugs of chilled, filtered water are available throughout the day for pupils to help themselves to.  Pupils are not allowed ot bring their own water bottles or drinks in.


Children are able to concentrate and learn better when they have eaten a healthy, balanced lunch.  In our school we serve four meal choices each day, consisting of: two main courses (one of which is a vegetarian meal) a jacket potato option and a sandwich/wrap/toastie option. Each meal is accompanied by vegetables or salad.  Everyday there is a homemade dessert, fruit or yoghurt available. Jugs of water or milk are available so all pupils can help themselves to a drink.

Meals are freshly made every day, using great quality produce that is locally produced where possible.  The menus have been written by the School Council and are healthy and balanced meals which our pupils enjoy eating.  We cater for all dietary, medical and religious requirements and adapt our menus for our children where possible.

If you pay for lunches you can do so using our online system, School Money. They are charged at £2.75 a day.

Free School Meals

You may be entitled to receive assistance to pay for school meals for your child.

Please see details below:

How to claim free school meals

If you are the parent, foster parent, network family carer or guardian of children at school, and you are on a low income, you could be entitled to free school meals.

Children may be eligible for free school meals if their parents or carers receive any of the following benefits:

If you get Working Tax Credit your child will not qualify for free school meals.

To claim free school meals

If you live in Leeds and you already receive Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support contact Leeds City Council on 0113 222 4404 if you want to claim a free school meal for your child and they will notify us if you are entitled. If you live in Leeds and you do not already receive Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support you will need to apply online at

Asylum seekers

If you are currently receiving National Asylum Seekers Support (NASS), you do not need to fill in a claim form for free school meals.

Please take your Home Office letter to your child’s school, and they will contact Welfare and Benefits on your behalf. The letter should confirm your:

(Source: Leeds City Council, Valid September 2020)

For more information please speak to Reception or have a chat with our Cook who will be happy to answer your questions.

Lunch Menus