Our culture of safeguarding
children and young people spend a large proportion of their lives in school. Reach is uniquely placed to play a central role in ensuring that students are protected from harm
the school’s primary responsibility is to facilitate learning and children are more likely to engage in the learning process and achieve their potential if they are safe and well
children who feel supported, listened to and valued at home and in school will welcome the educational opportunities provided for them
Reach will cater for children of different backgrounds, religions, cultures and abilities.
Our ability to safeguard will be evident on three levels-
Universal Safeguarding – this is our aim to keep all students safe by creating safe environments. This includes excellent site safety, safer recruitment of staff, strong school rules and codes of conduct and good safety awareness taught across the curriculum.
Targeted Safeguarding – this is our aim to focus on groups of students whose personal, social or economic circumstances may result in an increased risk to their safety. For example looked after children, students with special educational needs, children subjected to racism etc
Responsive Safeguarding –this is our aim to respond quickly and appropriately to situations where students may be or have suffered harm. This is our support through our strong child protection procedures.
Our aim and philosophy will be to be leading practitioners in
child protection
behaviour and attendance
special educational needs
physical contact / positive handling
intimate and nurture care
children looked after
staff recruitment
Healthy Schools.
Safeguarding for Parents:
If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of your child, or a child you know, you should act without delay.
In School you can contact;
Our Executive Headteacher is Mr D Gurney
Our Head of School is Mrs A Quinn
Our designated safeguarding lead is Mrs K d'Avoine
Our deputy designated safeguarding lead is Miss J Melia
These members of staff can be contacted on the following;
0113 245 2793
Coming into school and requesting to speak them.
You can also ask for advice or report your concern to;
Children's Social Care - 0113 378 0644
Police - emergency - 999
Police - to report a crime that isn't an emergency - 111
NSPCC child protection helpline - variety of support and also to report and remove a nude image shared online - 0808 800 5000Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Leeds Prevent - support for people at risk of radicalisation - 0113 535 0810Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
What we will do if we have a concern about your child:
If we are concerned that your child may be at risk of harm we must follow the procedures in our child protection and safeguarding policy. You can find this on our website. If any member of staff has a concern about a child they will log it as a “cause for concern” on our electronic system, CPOMs. Any child protection records on your child are kept separate from your child’s normal school file.
The Child Protection and Safeguarding team will decide what action to take. Usually this will result in a conversation with the child.
In almost all circumstances we will speak to you about our concerns and we will inform you if we feel we must refer our concerns to children’s social care.
How the school monitors adults through the issue of DBS checks and the Single Central Register?
All members of staff and any regular visitors (once a week) must be subject to a DBS check and have their details recorded on our single central register (SCR). All staff on the SCR are allowed to work with pupils. All other visitors to the school will not be allowed unattended access to pupils at any-time during their time on site.
How the school monitors security at the school entrance?
We have a secure vehicle and pedestrian entrance to the site. All staff on the SCR will have access to school via a swipe card. All visitors to the school will be required to provide photo ID and then sign in and wear a visitors badge at all times whilst on site
What should you as a parent/carer do if you have concerns about an adult working with children?
If you have any concerns about your child or any other child in the school we encourage you to contact us at the earliest opportunity. You should ask to speak to the head of School, Mrs Quinn. You could also request to speak to our Police Officer (Safer Schools Officer) or call the Police directly.
What you should do if you feel you need help with any aspect of bringing up your child/children?
If you do require any help or advice please do not hesitate to contact us at school, alternatively you could contact Social Care directly.
Online Safety
Please follow the links below for useful guides for parents and carers to enable their children to use technology safely.Â
They contains plenty of helpful information such as:
A practical guide for parents on how to keep children safe online, including useful summaries of popular internet apps as well as the types of threats children, could be exposed to online.
Safety tips for using apps such as Instagram, TikTok (which has gathered 1 billion users in only two years), YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter, and Whatsapp. We also cover advice and safety tips for children playing online multiplayer video games.
Other online safety topics and advice such as sharing personal information, socialising online, cyberbullying, harmful content, influencers, body image, and mental health for teens online.
Links to additional internet safety resources for parents from well-respected sources such as the NSPCC and the UK government’s own guidelines.Â
Other Useful Contacts
They will support you with anything you'd like to talk about such as bullying, your mental health, sleep difficulties etc
Telephone number: 0800 1111
Text: 85258
They offer a range of services across three major areas; Children, Young People and Families, Drug and Alchol Treatment Services and Health and Well-Being (including Counselling and Psychotherapy).
Telephone number: 0113 279 58 70
Childnet International
They support with family internet use.
Child Bereavement UK
This is support for families of children who have lost somebody they loved.
Telephone number: 0800 02 888 40
A survivor-led service offering emotional support. Open 6 p.m to 2 a.m
Telephone number: 0808 800 1212 (free phone)
Cruse Bereavement Support
They will support you if you know somebody who has died and explain the grieving process.
Telephone number: 0808 808 1677
This is a useful resource recommend by the Cyber Crime Prevention Officer at West Yorkshire Police. It is a suite of fun educational games designed to educate young inquisitive minds and introduce them to the world of cyber security as well as the Computer Misuse Act.
Dial House
Emotional and practical support for people 16+ in crisis. Open 6 p.m to 2 a.m, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Telephone number: 0113 260 9328
Text: 07922 249 452
Domestic Violence Service for Leeds
Support for women and men experiencing domestic violence. Housing support is also available.
Telephone number: 0113 246 0401
Forward Leeds
Alcohol and drug service in Leeds for adults, young people and families.
Telephone number: 0113 887 24 77
NHS, Leeds and York Partnership
Urgent help with mental health issues.
Telephone numbers
 999 if you need immediate help
111 urgent care or treatment
If you’re a young person, MindMate can help you understand the way you’re feeling and find the right advice and support.Â
Useful medical advice is available on this website. If you are in crisis, go straight to the hospital, Accident and Emergency at Leeds General Infirmary.
Telephone number: 111
Night Owls
A confidential support line, 8 pm - 8 am every night for all children, young people and parents/carers in West Yorkshire, Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.
Telephone number: 10800 148 8244
Text service: 07984 376 950 or 07894 392 700
Chat online:
Useful resources and support with online safety is available from the NSPCC.
Telephone number: 0808 800 5000
Under 18 contact number: 0800 1111
One Stop Centres
Customer service officers can help with enquiries about council tax bills and benefits, housing tenancy issues, benefits for people on a low income, help for older people, disabled people, children and families and more. The local services are; Dewsbury Road and St George’s Centre.Â
Contact for any advice required.
Website: www.westyorkshire.police
Telephone number: non-emergency: 101
Telephone number: emergency: 999
Place2be will give you any advice you require.
Text 'shout' for support on 85258
Support for any concerns around radicalisation or exposure.
Phone number: 0113 535 0810
Talk to a professional about your mental health.
Telephone number: 116 123
Safe Zone
Crisis Support for 11-17 year olds in Leeds every Wednesday and Thursday 4 - 10 p.m.
Telephone number: 0113 819 8189 or call/text/WhatsApp 07593 529 367
A text service for any crisis you may be having. 24/7 support, messages are annoymous and won't appear on your bill.
Text SHOUT to 85258
Stop Abuse Together
Support for you if you have any concerns relating to sexual abuse.
Phone: 0808 800 5000
Teen Connect
Emotional support for 11 to 18 year olds in Leeds every night of the year.
Phone: 0808 800 1212
Text: 07984 436 680
Think U Know
This website provides information on how to protect children online and offline.
UK Safer Internet Centre
A website with online safety tips about how to stay safe online.
West Yorkshire 24 hour Mental Health Helpline
Support, advice and information with mental heath
Call: 0800 183 0558
Get support if you are experiencing a mental health crisis from this agency.
Telephone number: 0808 802 5544
Text: 85258
Support with Current Concerns
'Squid Game': What Parents Need to Know