Our Vision and Values
Our vision is to ensure that every pupil is given the opportunity to flourish and make the best possible progress they can to become confident learners and successful members of their community. We strive to ensure that all pupils are given equal opportunities to enable them to have experiences and gain life skills that they may have missed in mainstream education. We ensure that pupils and families have a voice and work closely together to build their self-esteem and confidence. We encourage our pupils to respect differences in racial, cultural and religious backgrounds. We provide clear and consistent expectations for the pupils and work with them to manage their behaviour within these boundaries.
Our pupils are able to leave Reach knowing what they need to do to be respectful citizens and with aspirations for now and later life. In order to do this, we provide a personalised curriculum for every pupil so that they can enjoy learning in all lessons and become engaged, independent learners.
We aim to influence their future decision making by affecting a change in both their cognitive, emotional and behavioural responses, and use this success to encourage them to make positive choices. We ensure that every child is included, engaged and celebrated.